When the Philadelphia Eagles won Super Bowl LII, nobody was more excited than "intoxicated" Kevin Hart. Although we previously only had a drunk Instagram video to give us insight into what the — wasted, let's be honest — comedian was thinking, we now have a full play-by-play of the story given by Hart himself on Conan.  https://www.youtube.com/embed/ncjic9auHao If you missed out on the original story, it went a little like this:  Tipsy Kevin Hart tries to get on stage with the team, but is denied by a giant security dude:  Drunk Kevin Hart curses on live TV, dances, and gives hugs:  Hungover Kevin Hart puts out a video in the car ride home where he tells "all the kids out there" that "when alcohol is in your system you do dumb stuff..." Which is true, but it's also hilarious (when done responsibly!!!). 

Who gives a shit....Fllllyyyy EAGLES FLY!!!!! #iShouldHaveListenedToMyWife #iWasCaughtUpInTheMoment #iWasSuperDrunk #ImSoHappyForMyCity #AtLeastiDidntPunchaHorse #ThatSecurityGuardDidHisJob #iWantedToHoldTheTrophy #SoWhat #PhiladephiaStandUp #FreeMeekMill #EaglesEverything #WeBeatTomBrady #iShittedInMySuiteAndiDidntFlushTheToilet #ThugLife #GoEagles #iWonSoMuchMoneyOnThisGame #PhiladelphiaForever #WeFinallyGotaSuperBowl #iWitnessedHistory #iThrewUpThisMorning #SoWhatTheEaglesWon #ImGettingOld #FuckYouGaryTheBengalsSuck #MyFriendsAreTheBlame #TheyGotMeDrunk #HelpMeBabyJesus #WhereAreMySocks #iTrippedAndFellOnTheFeildAndHeardaWomanSayAintThatKevinHart #DontJudgeMe #ImBuyingaEagleWithTheMoneyiWon

A post shared by Kevin Hart (@kevinhart4real) on

Post Conan interview, Hart took to Twitter to say that this was "One of the funniest moments of my life for sure[.]" The other thing we know for sure is that more comedians need to get tipsy and do goofy (responsible!) stuff. 
If you're like Hart, and love revisiting Super Bowl LII over and over again — looking at you Eagles fans — we have some Super Bowl Shots you can check out below. Pats fans, you can go with the Super Bowl Margarita Jungle Juice from LI to comfort yourselves.  https://www.youtube.com/embed/GMYXF5dRH3I See recipe. What are your thoughts on this story, people? Is this the most hilarious sh*t you've ever heard or what? Let us know in the comments! 

Images: YouTube / Team Coco

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