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Alien Nipple

Take your taste buds on a wild ride with the surprising and delectable Alien Nipple shot!

What You'll Need

Butterscotch schnapps
1 part
Melon liqueur
1 part
Irish cream
1 part


Shot Glass
Basic Bar Tools


Add Butterscotch schnapps to base of shot glass
Gently layer Melon liqueur on top
Layer Irish cream on top and finish
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More About This Drink

If you want a twist on the Buttery Nipple that's out of this world, try this Alien Nipple shot. The somewhat gross-sounding, yet still very delicious drink combines Butterscotch Schnapps, melon liqueur, and Irish cream for a taste, and definitely a name, you won't soon forget — even if your memory is wiped by some little green men. ALIEN NIPPLE 1 Part Butterscotch Schnapps 1 Part Melon Liqueur 1 Part Irish Cream PREPARATION 1. Add butterscotch schnapps to base of shot glass before gently layering melon liqueur on top. 2. Finish by layering irish cream on top. DRINK RESPONSIBLY!

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