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Cum In My Panties

Indulge in a wild and delicious Peach Schnapps dessert cocktail called Cum In My Panties.

What You'll Need

0.5 oz
Peach schnapps
0.5 oz
Heavy whipping cream
2 oz
Raspberry liqueur
1 splash
Whipped cream


Rocks Glass


Fill a glass with crushed ice
Add 0.5 oz vodka to the glass
Add 0.5 oz peach schnapps to the glass
Add 2 oz heavy whipping cream to the glass
Add a splash of raspberry liqueur to the glass
Top with whipped cream
Garnish with a cherry
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More About This Drink

Yes people, we know this Cum In My Panties cocktail sounds super wild and dirty, but we swear it's still one of the best vodka dessert drink recipes out there. This truly wild Peach Schnapps dessert mixed drink recipe combines vodka, Peach Schnapps, cream, and raspberry liqueur, and is perfect if you want to have a little fun with a date, or just on your own! CUM IN MY PANTIES 1/2 oz. (15ml) Vodka 1/2 oz. (15ml) Peach Schnapps 2 oz. (60ml) Heavy Whipping Cream Splash Raspberry Liqueur Top with Whipped Cream Cherry PREPARATION 1. Fill a glass with crushed ice and add vodka, peach schnapps, and heavy whipping cream. 2. Add a splash of raspberry liqueur and top with whipped cream. 3. Garnish with a cherry. DRINK RESPONSIBLY!

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