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Hot Mexican Hooker

Spice up your night with the Hot Mexican Hooker Shot, a wild combo of tequila, Tabasco sauce, and tuna fish juice!

What You'll Need

1 oz
Tuna fish juice
1 oz


Shot Glass


Add tequila to shot glass followed by hot sauce
Gently pour tuna fish juice on top
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More About This Drink

Mix up tequila, tuna fish juice, and a few dashes of Tabasco sauce, and bang, you have yourself the Hot Mexican Hooker Shot. It's definitely a drink that may be for a select few, but it's the kind of crazy cocktail everybody should try once. HOT MEXICAN HOOKER 1 oz. (30ml) Tequila 1 oz. (30ml) Tuna Fish Juice Dashes Tabasco Sauce PREPARATION 1. Add tequila to shot glass followed by hot sauce. 2. Gently pour tuna fish juice on top. DRINK RESPONSIBLY!

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