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Pink Smoke

Shake things up with this wildly delicious Pink Smoke mezcal cocktail featuring fruity and floral notes, plus a hint of egg white froth!

What You'll Need

1.5 oz
Peach raspberry grand marnier
0.5 oz
St. germain
1 oz
Lemon juice
1 oz
1 undefined


Coupe Glass
Basic Bar Tools


Muddle blackberries in the base of a glass and add the egg white
Add mezcal, grand marnier, st germain, and lemon juice
Shake well
Add ice to the shaker and shake again
Strain the mix into a coupe glass and serve
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More About This Drink

Calling all mixologists out there who want to try their hand at this wild Pink Smoke cocktail. This incredible mezcal mixed drink combines Peach Raspberry Grand Marnier, St. Germain, lemon juice, blackberries, and yes, some egg whites — get over your fears of raw eggs, people! PINK SMOKE 1 1/2 oz. (45ml) Mezcal 1/2 oz. (15ml) Peach Raspberry Grand Marnier 1 oz. (15ml) St. Germain 1 oz. (30ml) Lemon Juice 5 Blackberries 1 egg White PREPARATION 1. Muddle blackberries in the base of a glass and add the egg white, mezcal, grand marnier, st. germain, and lemon juice. Shake well. 2. Add ice to the shaker and shake again. 3. Strain the mix into a coupe glass and serve. DRINK RESPONSIBLY! *Created by IG: @TianaSaurusWr3cks

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